Walnut news from Romania

Walnut news from Romania

Walnut news from Romania Today we want to share some news from our walnut orchard in Romania with you. The trees are growing well. Unfortunately we had some challenges with heavy rainfall last weeks. Rain is always good, but too much rain can damage the soil. The...
Walnut processing Romania

Walnut processing Romania

WALNUT PROCESSING ROMANIA Building a walnut processing factory in Romania to increase nut quality and marketability This company fills in a value chain gap and allows for trade of walnuts which were previously not marketable, while providing farmers with another...
Walnut Processing Uzbekistan

Walnut Processing Uzbekistan

WALNUT PROCESSING UZBEKISTAN Creating a walnut processing facility in Uzbekistan for high-quality nuts An Uzbek walnut cooperative was looking to export nuts and therefore needed a high-quality processing facility aligned with international standards. We provided and...