Business venture in the Caucasus

Opening of a subsidiary in Georgia

Recently our CEO Jouke Spriensma went on a trip to Georgia, together with our newest recruits Christiaan and Ilia. TGS has opened a Georgian subsidiary (TGS Holland). TGS Holland will be used for the sale of agricultural equipment, agribusiness consultancy, and a base for our Georgian business ventures. Christiaan and Ilya will run TGS Holland from Tbilisi.  

The main focus of last trip was to explore potential locations and partners for our circular pig farm, but they also looked into other potential business opportunities. We found land that looks suitable for the pig farm and feed crop production. Furthermore, we attracted some experts to help us develop the business. Investment needs are nearly covered, so with our partners we look forward to implement the project!  

Are you involved in (agri)business in Georgia, or are you thinking on starting business there somewhere in the future? Feel free to contact us! 

For more information on our new subsidiary TGS Holland, see our website