Looking back on 2020
Gratitude amidst the challenges

This period, just before the Christmas holidays, gives us time to reflect on the past year and look forward to the new year.
What did 2020 bring us? I assume that when people look back on the year 2020, they mainly think of the Covid-19 crisis and the consequences it has had (and still has) for their personal life and the world in general.
For TGS 2020 was a year of challenges too. But amidst the chaos we started three entirely new ventures to create healthy value chains that support local entrepreneurs and uplift their communities: A walnut orchard and a walnut processing factory in Romania, an apricot farm in Uzbekistan and a dairy farm in Georgia.
Besides these we have helped multiple entrepreneurs with the right equipment for their businesses to prosper.
We look forward to expand our work in the new year.
We wish you happy holidays and hope to see some of you in our projects in 2021!