

Decoupled aquaponics Kenya

Decoupled aquaponics Kenya

By growing food aquaponically within a city, plant density is increased and transport distances are decreased, resulting in more efficient farming and fresher produce.

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Almond Orchard Morocco

Almond Orchard Morocco

TGS has performed a feasibility study on starting an almond farm in Morocco. The feasibility study has indicated an excellent potential for almond production.

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Food Storage Facility Uganda

Food Storage Facility Uganda

By building a feed storage facility, farmers are able to sell their feed during harvest season for a fair price, and the feed is sold throughout the year to regulate the price.

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Hydroponics West Bank

Hydroponics West Bank

We initiated a pilot project in Bethlehem in 2014 with the aim of empowering food insecure families to grow vegetables to eat and sel

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Cold Store Uzbekistan

Cold Store Uzbekistan

By providing cold storage, farmers are able to sell their apples at a fair price and benefit from the profits of international sales or outside of peak season locally.

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Dairy farm Georgia

Dairy farm Georgia

This farm doubles as an agricultural school, where theory and practical experience combine to give students the best chance for employment.

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Walnut Orchard Romania

Walnut Orchard Romania

This orchard supplies more walnuts for the plant and serves as a demonstration to local farmers interested in starting their own orchards.

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