The animals hear the drones coming

The animals hear the drones coming

Farming in wartime Every time the drones fly over, the dogs start howling, the ponies start screaming, and the ostriches panic. They run around the aviary and crash into the fence in fear. “The animals hear these things coming before we do,” says farmer Vitaliy. The...
Ukrainian farmer in wartime

Ukrainian farmer in wartime

TGS business supported 60 farmers in 2023. We were involved in an aid project and deliverd seeds. We kept contact with the farmers and talked to them about the situation: Farmer Yevgen (33) runs his hand through the mountain of grains that has been in storage since...
Tiny Houses to Rebuild Ukraine

Tiny Houses to Rebuild Ukraine

Tiny Houses to Rebuild Ukraine Wageningen, October 2022 Due to the war in Ukraine, many people have suffered great losses, as already over 800.000 Ukrainian families have lost their homes. This is a problem not only now, but for the coming years. As the estmimated...
November trip to Georgia

November trip to Georgia

Business venture in the Caucasus Opening of a subsidiary in Georgia Recently our CEO Jouke Spriensma went on a trip to Georgia, together with our newest recruits Christiaan and Ilia. TGS has opened a Georgian subsidiary (TGS Holland). TGS Holland will be used for the...